There is a second Lost Supper photo (with the characters facing straight into the camera).
Upon further review, both photos show the building rubble in the background as a Dharma station (logo), with over grown jungle on top of it. Also, Ilana is sitting on a broken airline seat, with another on the opposite end of the table (wing).
The second Lost Supper photo has changes I noticed or observations:
1. John is the only one unchanged, still posed in Jesus position;2. Kate is posed in the Peter position, but she is the only person with her hand on her face;
3. 7 are seated, 7 are standing, but Alpert, Sayid and Frank assume the same pose leaning on the wing;
4. characters who have changed places: Miles (Claire's old spot), Claire (Hurley), Hurley (Miles), Sun (Ben), Ben (Sun).
5. I found the new arrangement closer with the following people "covering" a person's back so to speak: Jack behind Locke, Sun behind Jin, Ben behind Claire, Sawyer behind Kate.
6. there is now a white cup in front of Ilana, Miles (not Claire) and Jin;
7. the people now to the left of Locke are Jack, Jin, Ben, Hurley, Sun, Claire and Frank;
8. the people now to the right of Locke are Sawyer, Kate, Sayid, Miles, Alpert and Ilana.
9. Also, the second photo's background is the same, but the lightning is slightly different (a reference to Faraday's initial comments about the light on the island?)