I posted the following on a LOST community site of my observations on the Lost Supper graphic that has been buzzing around the Net:
1. the table is a plane wing;
2. 2 human skulls are beneath them;
3. John is posed in Jesus position;
4. Kate is posed in the Peter position;
5. 7 are seated, 7 are standing;
6. the debris behind them is a modern building (re-bar seen) and not the Hatch because it imploded;
7. the table contains Dharma beer, cola, and two jars of peanut butter;
8. there is a white cup in front of Ilana, Clare and Jin;
9. there is a beer in front of Ilana, Clare, Sayid, Kate, Hurley, Miles and John;
10. the people without drinks are Sawyer, Jack, Ben, Sun and Frank;
11. the people to the left of Locke are Jack, Jin, Ben, Hurley, Sun, Miles and Frank;
12. the people to the right of Locke are Sawyer, Kate, Sayid, Claire, Alpert and Ilana.
Is this graphic supposed to symbolize which team(s) the characters will be on?