More unanswered gnawing questions like ticks drilling through one's eye lids:
1. After being released by the Others at the ferry landing, why did not Hurley tell his comrades that Michael had left the island with Walt by boat?
2. Why was Hurley let go by the Others?
3. Why do people on the island call Hurley "Hurley" when his name is Hugo?
4. If WHH, when did it first happen?
5. Are flashbacks really flashbacks of real events?
6. Why were the Numbers required to be used to reset the Hatch timer when one could use a simple reset key?
7. Why did Patchey seemingly "die" numerous times on the island but to return to reign havoc on the 815ers?
8. How could the Island "stop" Michael from committing suicide in NY?
9. Is there a connection between having special powers if you arrive on the island in a suit and tie?
10. Did Claire die when the Barrack house she was in exploded during the raid?