Saturday, February 20, 2010


As Jacob was being killed in the Tawaret foot, he told Ben and Flocke that "They're Coming!" The reaction by Flocke was one of uncomfortable worry.

Much speculation about who are THEY.

One answer could be Ilana's soldiers carrying the body of John Locke to the statue to show the Others "who they are dealing with." The Others need physical proof that their new "leader" is not a man (Locke) but a demon in MIB. We have been shown that Jacob went to off-island Ilana, who was severely injured in a hospital bed, asking her for her help. Ilana's group could have been reinforcements, but Flocke easily took them out with ease.

Another answer could be that Jacob's "touched" 815ers are "back" from 1977 and coming to save his bacon. The theory that Jacob's demise is like the story of Osiris, where he had put the parts of his soul into six different character bodies during off-island contacts, only to bring them back to the island to be reincarnated when they all met back at the Temple. This is still a plausible theory, but Flocke had been dealing with the knowledge of the other 815 passengers when he assumed Locke's body and memories.

Another answer could be one of those gnawing questions from early in the show: the Other Others. The children who Ana Lucia and the Tailies were terrified of so as to hide in the jungle each time they passed by their camp. When the ghost young boy appears, first with bloody arms (new ghost Jacob?) or without bloody arms (later after being chased by Flocke), I get the sense that the Island has a group of frightening children from Flocke's initial reaction. He was scared at first, then realizing that there was only one, chases after him. But the confrontation is short, and the child's command was clear: "you cannot kill him." We assume "him" is candidate Ford, whom Flocke is leading to an alleged ocean side condo formerly occupied by Jacob. The concept of a band of Island Children with power spells or magic would be a counter balance to the adult spirits or smoke monsters like MIB and/or Jacob.

However, I do not believe that the ocean cave is Jacob's liar. Jacob made lists on paper. The list in the cave was scratched on cave walls. It is stated that MIB is "trapped" on the Island and wants to go "home." A castaway on an island is trapped by the vast ocean around him. Maybe MIB is afraid of the water - - - it is poison to him. (However, there is contrary evidence of Flocke eating a ripe mango on the beach so maybe it is something else that binds him to the island.) Or, MIB cannot leave the island in the Flocke form without the "free will" of another person (he first asked Richard, who declined, then he asked Sawyer, who accepted.).

Now, MIB told Jacob that it was Jacob that brought the humans to the island. The cave walls lists of more than 313 people is a census of people on the island, and MIB crossing off the names of those he has eliminated from the game. Jacob did not assign the names numbers, MIB did. He was the one who had to figure out who Jacob was bringing to the island in order to find a loophole to kill him.

Finally, They could mean some other group that we have not yet seen. Or comprehend, like the spirits that live inside the banyan trees which served to protect Juliet and Kate from Smokey.