L: Lo - - - the wow moment for me was when Hurley was walking down the temple hall and stopping at a single hieroglyph. I knew what it was! The coiled rope is a symbol for eternity and protection. It is often associated with Horus, the falcon or Hut, the Vulture (called the Lady of Heaven). It is interesting to note Hurley was looking for a "secret" passageway, a door - - - to eternity?
O: Obnoxious - - - the flash "sideways" story is irrelevant, immaterial and meaningless. In the enhanced version of "The Substitute," it was stated that the sideways story is a "what if" (not an alternative time line) if Flight 815 did not crash on the island. The flight did crash, and the survivors are still running around the island on unknown missions. The sideways story is mere episode filler; more like saw dust than bread crumbs in a meat loaf.
S: Story line - - - more and more statements and symbols of death and the afterlife keep popping up into the forefront of the story. It is slowly affirming that the magical island is an afterlife world of the dead. When Jack becomes irate about Jacob's lighthouse spying on him as a child, one forgets the concept of guardian angels overseeing humans in the time of need. Ghost Jacob appears to be a crude and cruel version of Clarence in A Wonderful Life.
T: Time line - - - if one just stops watching the sideways story as being irrelevant, the "real" time line is what is happening directly on the island. I found it curious that Ghost Claire does not have a sense that she has been out in the jungle for three years. Maybe ghosts have no need to know the time because it will not change their circumstances.