Dante Alighieri's enduring "The Divine Comedy," a long poem chronicling Dante's journey through hell in pursuit of his beloved Beatrice, has been compared to the pieces of the story line in LOST. In Dante's journey, he goes through nine twisted circles of hell, including limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud and treachery. Each of the main characters has one of the deadly traits that he or she may need to overcome in order to get some redemption.
Limbo could be John Locke adventurous spirit confined in a wheelchair.
Lust could be Kate, who has seen more action than a pinball off the bumpers.
Gluttony could be Hurley, who was once in charge of the pantry and food drop.
Greed could be Widmore, who amassed a fortune to take back the Island for himself.
Anger could be really anyone who likes to shoot first ask questions later.
Heresy could be for the non-believers, like Jack.
Violence could be the Others in their battle with Dharma.
Fraud could be the con artistry of Sawyer.
Treachery could be master plans of MIB and/or Jacob.
In complex individuals, these concepts of human flaws can overlap and consume a person's soul into pure evil. Punishment in final judgment would be eternal pain and suffering.