Tuesday, February 23, 2010


The Discovery Channel had an Egyptian theme marathon as a preview for its new King Tut special.

A few interesting points:

I did not realize that there were numerous child kings of Egypt. Many successions were the direct result of murderous politics to control the blood line to the Pharaoh's throne.

The duties of a pharaoh were two fold:
1. protect the nation from outsiders as a warrior king; and
2. protect the Egyptian religion as the liaison with the gods.

Temples were the place of worship of religious rights. Egyptians believed strongly in magic and spells. Tombs were the instruction manuals of how a pharaoh would be able to fulfil his duties in the afterlife. The most important duty was to guard the sun god Ra in his nightly journey through the underworld. If the mission failed, the sun would not rise again and Egypt would be destroyed in darkness. Many tombs have been found in desert caves.

When MIB stated that he was once human, had emotions, and had been betrayed in the past, by Jacob or someone acting in his behalf, it resulted in MIB being trapped on the island. It could be that Adam and Eve found in the caves were the last Pharaohs or royals who fled Egypt to this magical island to protect their nation and religion from total destruction. However, they were killed and buried in a cave without the "instructions" on how to pass on their knowledge to their children, Jacob and MIB. As children, they had no idea what to do except to make up "rules" to live by, like in a game. But since they never gained the knowledge of the afterlife, their souls became trapped on the island with no way to go home (to their dead parents/paradise). Jacob keeps on bringing people to the island to see if they have the knowledge, but they do not because ancient Egyptian rites have been lost for centuries.