Tuesday, February 23, 2010


One of the mysterious current under blog posting re-examination is the mystery of Adam and Eve, found in the caves during Season 1. Kate found the first skeleton on a ledge inside the cave. Jack said they had to be there for at least 50 years. One was a man and one was a woman. Inside a pocket, he found two stones, one black one white.

If you look at Adam and Eve it looks like they have been mummified. And we know the Egyptians were the world's mummy burial rites advocates. This scene predates our view of the island underworld and the Temple, with the Egyptian references.

Recall, that Kate and Jack found the cave dwellers as a result of a bee attack. Which lead to the following research:

According to one Egyptian myth, honey bees were the tears of the sun god Ra. Their religious significance extended to an association with the goddess Neith, whose temple was known as "the house of the bee." Honey was regarded as a symbol of resurrection and also thought to give protection against evil spirits.

Ancient Egyptians also thought the bee a symbol of wisdom, regeneration, and obedience.

The Egyptians kept bees for their honey and wax. They were kept in woven wicker hives that had been covered in clay. Not only was the honey used for food and as offerings to the gods, but it was also used by the Egyptians to create makeup, medicine (it has an antibacterial effect), boat building, mummification and as a binding agent in some paints.

The ancient priests used to chisel out shelves in caves to bury the dead. Ledges were used to bury them. Based on the circumstantial evidence, one could easily state that the cave was the burial chamber for an ancient Egyptian couple.