Wednesday, February 24, 2010


In the temple hallway where Hurley is trying to find the secret passage by the eternity symbol, Jacob appears beside Dogen. Next to ghost Jacob is a hieroglyph containing four symbols. From the angle, it is not totally clear in imagery or construction, but my best guess on its translation is:


Osiris is the Lord of the Underworld, and his son Horus is a devine god who defeated his uncle, Seth, to claim a prominent position in Egyptian kingdom worship. Horus is a powerful deity. The concept of births has been an Island mystery, especially with the destruction of the statue of Tawaret, the goddess of fertility. But if this place is the underworld, "to give birth" may be re-birth, a second life - - - reincarnation or redemption at final judgment (heaven-paradise). The whole character sagas have been the purging of personal faults and demons on the path of some sort of redemption. The Lighthouse may be a metaphor for one's own soul searching, an internal re-ordering of one's principles, fears, desires and faults in order to come forward without burdens on one's heart (as in the final judgment Maat ceremony).