Wednesday, March 3, 2010


L: Lo - - - the outstanding moment may be the dynamic between Sayid and Dogen. In ninja battle one, Dogen had the upper hand and he had the chance to kill Sayid, but stops with the remembrance of his son through the dropped baseball (the deal with the devil so to speak to save his son but cast himself into eternal service of Jacob). In the final battle, Dogen lays out his story to Sayid as the sun sets on the Others, only to have Sayid drown him in the spring. I thought this was like the story is about the scorpion asking a frog to carry him across a river. The frog is afraid of being stung, but the scorpion reassures him that if it stung the frog, the frog would sink and the scorpion would drown as well. The frog then agrees; nevertheless, in mid-river, the scorpion stings him, dooming the two of them. When asked why, the scorpion explains, "I'm a scorpion; it's my nature."

O: Obnoxious - - - the inconsistencies with stated rules (such as the ash ring keeps Smokey out of the temple) but Smokey rips through the place in a killing spree (because now Dogen is dead?) There is less time on the island events and more time spent on the filler ALT sideways action; the continuity errors and overall sloppiness in story telling is happening more and more which is not a good sign for the End.

S: Story line - - - as stated earlier, the "evil incarnate" reference to a spirit who takes human form pushes the Island as spiritual supernatural world toward a conclusion between a clash of titans (such as Satan vs. Jesus, and not the South Park rumble).

T: Time line - - - earlier continuity errors aside in the sideways world, it seems the less we see of island events, the more compressed time is . . . has it been one day or two since Sawyer went to the cave and Jack went to the Lighthouse? It used to take most part of a day for the 815ers to trek to any midpoint on the island . . . now they are popping up "too conveniently."