Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The name "Jacob" has its origin in Hebrew for "following after, supplanter." That is not necessarily a good thing.

The name "John" has its origin in late Middle English to address a man or denote a man's occupation, including that of priests. Was Locke supposed to have replaced Dogen as temple master?

The name "Jack" is the familiar form of John, and in Middle English used to address a man whose name is not known. The person who name is not known is MIB.

The name "Sawyer" is a person who saws timber for a living. It's origin comes from an allusion of the trapped log's movement up and down. Could the passing reference here to symbolize up (heaven/good) and down (hell/evil) for a protagonist caught in a place like purgatory?

The name "Christian" has its origin in the old Latin-Greek language for "anointed." He was not ceremoniously given a devine office but fell from the sky.

The name "Claire" has its roots in French for "light." Her current manifestation is pretty dark.