Wednesday, March 3, 2010


What is up with the fact that Flocke is teleporting around the Island? First he was with Sawyer in a hard to get to cave, then within the same lighted afternoon, he shows up at Claire's camp (alone). Where is Sawyer? Still in the cave? Did Flocke just leave him in a whoosh of teleporting smoke?
Is Sawyer still alive?

The same goes with Jin. He told Claire that he could get her into the temple, but she had to bring him along to get through the secret passage. But when Claire shows up at the temple, which was supposed to be in lock down - - - and the Others were aware that Claire was killing them at every chance - - -, she calmly walks through the front door. Huh? That means Jin did not come with Claire and Flocke to the temple. Is Jin still alive? (That was Sun's question.)

If we try to figure out what is happening with the missing members of 815 (from the missing parts of scenes), using the stated rule that MIB could not kill a candidate, that would mean Sawyer, Jin and Kate would still be alive. But we have seen Sayid die, and become infected by non-MIB means. If Claire killed dangling Kate in the pit, then Kate at the very least is "infected" like Sayid heading down the path towards total darkness. If Claire could kill Kate, then it is possible she could have killed Jin, too, instead of dragging him along to the temple. Flocke would have had no use for a cripple.