Tuesday, April 27, 2010


This is an off-week for LOST. Season 6 has been a slow and murky ride. There has been a growing resentment in the show blogging communities over the direction of the season and its eventual ending.

Some random comments:

"Season 6 makes me sad."
"I don't understand what its about anymore."
"This season really annoys me."
"Past seasons moved along slowly developing the story, scene by scene. This season, it seems scenes are thrown together."
"Why is the story now so twisted with parallel time lines and alt universes?"
"There is no overall cohesion in Season 6. The story line is all over the map."
"I think we are heading to the characters having farfetched endings to their stories."
"I don't know if the writers will wrap things up that will actually make sense."
"This season has dragged on, and the explanations of the mysteries so far have been disappointing."
"I think the writers are going to wrap things up as uneventful as possible, leaving the viewers to come up with their own explanations."