Besides surviving a plane crash, what are the major science fiction elements to LOST?
1. The Smoke Monster, the shape shifting, mechanical sounding "security system."
2. The Sickness which took Rousseau's crew (Smokey induced), and for which Dharma, Desmond and Claire were vaccinated for early in the show.
3. Why the island is difficult to find? How can an island "disappear" (by turning FDW)? The "snow globe" was the comparison by Desmond sailing around it.
4. The large electromagnet pockets of energy, which were capped by the Hatch and possibly set off by Jughead.
5. The "mind time travel," consciousness which led to nose bleeds and death.
6. The "physical time travel" between 1977 and 2007.
7. The reincarnation of the dead, like Sayid in the temple healing spring.
8. The Minkowski diagrams of space time as written by Daniel in the island and sideways time lines.
9. The sonic fence and gray ash as barriers against Smokey.
10. Immortality granted to Richard by Jacob.
11. The lighthouse's ability to watch people throughout time.
12. The ability to see and talk to dead people (ghosts).
13. The island's healing properties to cure Rose's cancer, and allow John Locke to walk again.
Do any of these sci-fi elements have anything in common?
A. The island has special properties which could be related to the unique EM energy.
B. Smokey could be a by-product of the island's unique EM energy in a different form.
C. The EM energy could be the engine/power for the island to defy the classical laws of physics
and allow for time travel.
D. Electromagnetic devices are used in some forms of physical therapy, so the island's unique
EM could be the source of supernatural healing abilities in humans (except in certain instances when people still die).
E. The EM energy could be used to read the memories of human brain, and other forces could use that information to reconstruct "ghosts" or physical "zombies" to interact with people on the island.
F. EM energy is a form of a wave, so in science fiction speculative behavior, a different wave form (such as a sound wave) could disburse, disrupt or refract the EM waves.
G. The Sickness could be an overdose or sub-atomic exposure of the EM energy which causes death or transformation into an alien being.
One could argue that the thread that weaves all these sci-fi elements together is the unique electromagnetic energy of the island. How this would work may never be explained by the writers, which would be a real disappointment.