Has expectations been lowered below sea level? I read Jeff Jensen today at ew.com and I get the sense of dread. He said:
"Lost is a show full of mystery, but I don't think finding "the answers" has ever been the point."
If Lost was merely a multi-layered mystery upon mystery, a journey for just for the sake of throwing mysteries against the wall to see what's sticks, and that the journey alone is enough to satisfy viewers, what a fade to black disappointing end to the series. Depressing. A good mystery story has a beginning, mysteries, clues for the viewer to analyze, character motivations, a mid-point where all the issues are concentrated, then the rest of the story to unwind, discount, or test the theories leading to the climatic ending of solving the mystery or mysteries.
If Lost's creators believe the ride is more important than the substance, they are mistaken. If the show is like a roller coaster thrill ride, we have been strapped in for a long 6 year ride of loops, twists and turns, only to find that there is no track at the end of it! Yes, "it only ends once," said MIB (hopefully in a deeper, different context).