In the past two posts, we have had our "draft" of characters to be on the Light Team and the Dark Team.
Jack, Locke, Daniel, Dogen, Iana, Mars, Ana Lucia, Goodwin, Kate, and Danielle.
Field leader(s): Jack, Ana Lucia
Mission specialist(s): Daniel
Survivalists: Danielle
Athletic/Military: Iana, Goodwin, Kate
Intangible: Dogen, Mars
MIB'S DARK TEAM members:
Ben, Sayid, Jin, Sawyer, Mr. Eko, Keamy, Patchy, Ethan, Naomi, Kelvin.
Field leader(s): Ben
Mission specialist(s): Sayid, Ethan
Survivalists: Mr. Eko
Athletic/Military: Jin, Keamy, Patchy, Naomi, Kelvin
Intangible: Sawyer
We have gone through a sports-like "preview" of the strengths and weaknesses of both teams, finding that there was a slight overall edge to MIB's Dark Team.
So how would an actual island war game work?
In the actual series, there were several aspects and statements that "war" would be coming to the island, propositioned by the conflict between Ben and Widmore. In Season 6, this battle seemed to shift as a conflict between Jacob and the smoke monster with MIB's sole goal "to leave the island." But it left the island, the world as we would know it would be destroyed. But we were never told how or why that would happen.
The island was a special place. Despite what Jacob said, it could give people "immortality." It could also alter time and space. It could teleport people to different times and places. The island itself was a weapon. It could give death and rebirth.
As such, the key to controlling the island would be the Light Cave where the mysterious "cork" kept the island from blowing up and destroying the universe. Whoever controls the cave controls the power. So in one respect, it could be like the childhood game of "find the flag."
Jacob and MIB both knew where the Light Cave is (MIB came screaming out of it after Jacob killed his brother). But the Light Cave itself is hidden in stealth mode for any other person. In that way, it could be a shifting place since it sits on the unique EM properties that control time and space (as well as the fact that the island is constantly moving).
So in one respect, Jacob's main goal in the game is defense - - - keep MIB's forces from finding the Light Cave. In order to do so, he needs a team member(s) to figure out where the cave is to divert the enemy away from it. Therefore, Jacob's early pick of Daniel makes perfect sense.
Likewise, MIB's main goal in the game is offense - - - find, attack and seize the Light Cave from Jacob. As a result, MIB has stacked his team with paramilitary soldiers capable of recon, mission planning, dark ops, extreme combat and battle toughness to charge at opposition lines.
The game could be a violent "hide and seek" as squads of the team members criss cross the island trying to find the cave. Jacob's team could have missions to "bait" MIB's team into traps, pitfalls or ambushes to diminish their numbers. Likewise, MIB's team could be stalking, trailing and trying to gather intelligence to find the Light Cave.
Throughout the island, the old Dharma stations could be critical tools in helping either side with their mission planning and goals. The Flame communications station could be critical in getting messages to distant teams since normal radio signals get jammed by the island's EM fields. The Hatch could be important station for logistics and supplies (since it can trigger food drops). There could be battles just to obtain these stations just like in most World Wars where the occupation and holding of territory was critically important to victory.
If LOST was ever rebooted, I think this "alternative" island story premise would be compelling enough to bring back old fans and possibly create a new, younger viewership who have grown up on battle simulation games.