Thursday, May 27, 2010


If the island is a cork that keeps evil inside the bottle called the universe, then we saw Jack lift and replace the stopper in the Light Cave. This cave looked like a ancient chamber. And upon closer examination of the stone stopper, there were hieroglyphs on it!

When the stone stopper in the chamber was removed, the water was absorbed (the light vanished) and we saw a fire and brimstone glow from the opening, with massive island wide earthquakes. Once the stopper was removed, Flocke was suddenly human again as if the magic spell of being an immortal smoke monster had been lifted. The light was the supernatural magic? The evil red fire actually consumes the light when released from the cave stopper?

During this earthquake period, Jack defeated Flocke with the help of Kate, thereby ending the saga of Jacob and his brother, who was created by his body floating into the cave of light after Jacob beat (killed?) him. The smoke monster was called the evil incarnate. If the light was the symbol for life, then the red lava fire must have been the symbol for death. If not bottled up, evil would consume all that is good, including life itself.

But this light cave chamber opens up another very hidden mystery. Besides the fact that TPTB put hieroglyphs on the actual stopper when there was no reason to, the translation really adds more questions:


(Alternatively: Bury My Criminal, Traitor, or Prisoner)

Who or what is buried under the stopper?
Who or what put that person/thing underground?
Did the burial of the evil enemy create the Light Source, which is a part of everyone? If so, then the island light predates CrazyMom who raised Jacob and MIB.