Friday, May 21, 2010


A final ponder before the finale. . . .

On the island - - -
a plane crashes and survival, rescue are paramount.
a smoke monster appears signals danger.
they find strange places and a Dharma group that lead to deaths.
a turn of a wheel and the island moves
the O5 return to the island to reset the time splits with jughead; more deaths.
Jacob is killed.
candidates to replace the island guardian are chosen; Jack volunteers.
to be concluded: the smoke monster's destruction of the island.

In the sideways world - - -
there is no plane crash; everyone is living their own separate lives.
until Charlie begins to "leak" island memories in a mad state.
Desmond becomes a believer.
to be concluded: Desmond's quest to "awaken" memories of 815ers to ??????

How would Desmond's "awakening" of 815ers memories in the sideways world have any effect on the island events (especially since many sideways characters are DEAD there)?

How could island memories awakened three years behind current island events help stop the smoke monster from destroying the island?

At Jacob's camp fire meeting with the remaining candidates, Jacob states that they must do what he could not do: kill Flocke/Smokey. Jack asked if it was possible, and Jacob's reply was "he hopes so" because Flocke is certainly going to try to kill them. No instructions on how to defeat the monster who is going to destroy what Jacob has protected for thousands of years. A desperate Jacob, who claims near death in order to pass on his guardianship to Jack, does not seem that worried about the End. Odd. We have seen conventional weapons have no affect on it. Only a sonic fence allegedly keeps it at bay. For on-the-job training, Jack is put into a battle field situation with no weapons, no knowledge of the enemy, no plan and no intel. Have a nice day.

Why would the sideways world characters care about the island? It is already destroyed, under water, when their Flight 815 lands at LAX. The sideways characters lives don't need to change in order to go forward. Why would any one care about helping out their parallel universe selves?

"They're coming!" Does that mean the collective mind power of the sidewinders being awakened at the concert teleporting to the island world as a "weapon?" Could it be as simple as "mind over matter?" The destruction of the island boogie man, Smokey, by a collective mind melt? The confusion in Smokey's mind from sideways world of people it killed creates a mental paradox which short-circuits our EM monster? The mechanics of such a story device would be hard to explain within the known island mythology.