Monday, April 4, 2016


Anagrams (hidden words within a word or phrase) were part of the LOST background.

A generator for "Jack Shepherd" reveals 23 anagrams. 23 was Jack's candidate number. Huh.

Anagrams for: jackshepherd

Displaying all:
Jack Shepherd
Jacked Rep Shh
Jacked Per Shh
Paced Jerk Shh
Caped Jerk Shh
Chad Hep Jerks
Chap Shed Jerk
Jack Shred Hep
Jack Herds Hep
Jack Sherd Hep
Jacks Herd Hep
Cap Jerked Shh
Hadj Heck Reps
Hadj Hecks Rep
Hadj Hecks Per
Hadj Peck Hers
Hadj Speck Her
Hadj Pecks Her
Jar Pecked Shh
Jack Ed Rep Shh
Jack Ed Per Shh
Cap Ed Jerk Shh
Jar Peck Ed Shh

Cap Jerked Shh . . .  Jack was a CAPtive, he was clearly JERKED around on the island and in the O6 arc, and SHH, the revelation came to him in churches.