Ockham's Razor is a philosophy described by
the following eponymous laws:
"With all things being equal, the simplest
explanation tends to be the right one"
The complexity and tangential aspect of the LOST stories makes it hard to find the simple explanation for the show. The Big Premise may be lurking in the shadow of many other story tropes.
We have tried to digest the story lines from front to back, and back (ending) to start (landing on the island). There are so many u-turns, dead ends and filler arcs (like the other 48 days) it makes it hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.
The simplest question to ask may be "what was LOST about?" The snarky answer would be "about six years." But in a basic review, the answers could include:
1. A survival story of plane crash victims on a Pacific Island.
2. A story of lost people trying to find purpose in their miserable lives.
3. The secret lives between strangers trapped in an uncomfortable situation.
4. The fantasy dream world of an individual or group of individuals.
5. A metaphoric journey from life to death.