The next miracle was that Aaron survived on the island. There would have been pests, disease and malnutrition factors. The Others should have kidnapped him because the Others were obsessed with children. Claire would go through some crazy mom postpartum depression.
The next miracle was Aaron's escape from the island. He survived a helicopter crash into the ocean. He survived the blazing sun in the open seas without his mother. Once on the mainland, he survived under the care of the anti-Mother, Kate.
Aaron was one lucky kid. Luckier than even Hurley.
But does this all add up?
Since Claire left the island with Kate, to fulfill her own self-anointed destiny to reunite Aaron with his mother, one must assume that Claire did re-bond with Aaron. We were led to believe that Claire's mother, Carol, was in an irreversible coma. Christian came to Australia to help pay for the extended care, when Claire berated her father with blame. But Claire was to blame for her mother's condition (the traffic accident). So after the escape from the island, a fully recovered Carol shows up at Christian's memorial service. Is this also a miracle? Or a bad plot device to get Kate thinking about doing something right and noble in her life?
Carol's reappearance does give us the undertone that something is not quite right in the LOST time lines. If she did not make it and her hospital care cut short and she died after Christian's demise (a likely possibility), then the O6 arc is not real but a surreal bridge to the sideways after life realm.
Because if Claire left the island and she was reunited with Aaron, then there was no reason why Aaron would have needed to be "reborn" at the sideways world concert. How can a living human being be reborn in the afterlife? Or was the whole island Claire story a tale of a dramatic false pregnancy? Or a delusion that masked the fact that Aaron died in the plane crash or at birth?
For if Aaron was born on the island, and lived a normal life off the island, he would have been an adult with his own family and not a prop in the sideways conclusion. He was not needed in order to reunite Claire and Charlie at the concert.
But since the pregnant Claire was in the afterlife in that state of unwed, the question is then asked whether the after life is merely a dream state. And if it is a dream state, would re-living a traumatic time in one's life (like emergency child birth) rekindle the "best" time of your life?
The re-birth of Aaron in the sideways world has always been a troublesome plot point. It makes him more a prop than an actual human being.
Or, an alternative explanation: hysterical pregnancy. Though rare in the United States, pregnancies
rooted in the mind but entirely absent from the body do happen.
Victorian-era doctors referred to them as "hysterical pregnancies."
Today, the favored terms are "delusional pregnancy," "false pregnancy"
or "phantom pregnancy." When a patient suffers from some or all the
symptoms of pregnancy— stomach growth, cramps, loss of period, morning
sickness—without a fetus actually being present, it's known as
The division between the physiological and psychological aspects of
this syndrome isn't always clear. Essentially, the word 'delusional' means the person is ill with a
psychiatric disorder of some kind. But pseudocyesis can occur without
any psychiatric illness: you can believe that you're pregnant and have
signs of pregnancy for any number of reasons. Certain drugs will do it.
There have been cases reported where a woman gains weight, starts having
other signs like nausea and she starts believing she's pregnant—but
she's not mentally ill and she never has been, other than this one area.
And so she'll have some trouble being convinced she's not pregnant.
If Aaron's "double" births were merely vivid hysterical pregnancies of a delusional woman, was the whole series then a collective delusion?