Yahoo recently named its Top 7 Worst TV Show Endings. Of course, LOST was mentioned:
At this point, "Lost" is synonymous with unsatisfying series finales. After six seasons of intricate plot build-up and a never-ending series of loose ends and questions about the true nature of the island and its inhabitants, the writers revealed they had written themselves into somewhat of a corner.
Instead of answering the audience's questions, the two hour finale "The End" ended up smoothing over most of the show's most important and unresolved problems by explaining that they all were in purgatory, though if they had really been there the whole time, no one knew.
Ask a "Lost" fan about the finale and you're sure to summon rage and frustration years later.
Well, reactions to the finale has been tempered as time has passed since Christian opened the church doors to add a final mystery to the series. Most upset fans have moved on with the viewing lives. But most are still waiting for their next, great adventure show.
Replacing a beloved television show is like trying to replace a family pet. It can happen, but it is never quite the same. You cannot clone the happiness, thrills and excitement of the old show because one tries to impart that impact in advance on the new show (which is not necessarily fair to the new writers and creators). For a short time, TV execs commissioned shows to be "The Next Lost, " but they all failed because no one can re-create the early mysteries and give us all the answers in a brilliant, neat package.