Saturday, April 19, 2014


LOST's show runners continue to stonewall fans about even the simplest of story plot points. At the Paley Center reunion event, TPTB said the script showed who shot Sawyer in the time travel outrigger scene, but it was deleted from the actual filming. Asked what happened, TPTB said it was better to leave it a mystery than give the fans the answer.

Well, that is plain lame.

Why is this one plot point so important to keep it a mystery? It makes no sense, since Sawyer getting shot in the outrigger scene had no lasting effect or change in the rest of the story line (from what we can tell).

There can only be a few reasons for this stubborn stonewalling:

1) TPTB are lying when they said there was an explanation in the script.

2) If they tell us what they wrote, it would open them up to fan criticism over the scene and the whole time travel paradoxes that were also never explained by the show.

3) They neglected to fully think out the ramifications of the "action" sequences and red herrings to keep fan interest as to paint themselves into a writer's corner they could not get out of . . . which would confirm the criticism that the writers and producers did not have a coherent finished story when they started the series.

4) They have convinced themselves that unanswered mysteries are more important story telling than the standard mystery series which solves the issues with clues, deduction, and reasonable explanations. It goes along the line that they perceive themselves as the smartest guys in the room and we, the public, don't get their genius.

5) They cannot explain the outrigger event without triggering a cascade of questions about other plot points which had little to no bearing on the finale. If fans were told that the writers were merely throwing strange, unrelated but shocking twists into scripts willy-nilly, then the "greatest" show on television would be a fraud, a bait and switch, a major disappointment.