Wednesday, February 26, 2014


What we do comes out of who we believe we are. — Rob Bell

Jack believed he could be as good a "leader" as his father, especially in life and death decisions.

Kate believed she was saving her mother from an abusive relationship, but she was wrong.

Charlie believed he could get his one-hit wonder band back together, but he was wrong.

Sawyer believed he could revenge for his parents deaths, and he did but at a great personal cost.

Claire believed she could give up her baby for adoption, but fate did not allow it.

Hurley believed he was cursed by the Numbers, and he was right because Desmond failed to input the Numbers in time.

Locke believed he was an outdoor hunter, and on the island he had his chance to become one.

Locke also believed he could be a great leader, but he was wrong and it cost him his life.

Rose knew after the crash that everything was going to be fine with Bernard, and she was right.

Boone believed that he was Shannon's protector, but he was wrong.

Shannon believed that the castaways would be rescued, and she was wrong.

Sayid believed that he would be reunited with his love, Nadia, but he was wrong.

Sun believed that she could leave Jin, but she could not.

Widmore believed that he could return to the island to rule it, but he died instead.

Ben believed that he could rule the island, but he betrayed Jacob and lost his power over the Others.

Artz believed he was the man of science, but the science of unstable TNT killed him.

Dr. Chang believed that he could use the unique electromagnetic properties, but he caused The Incident.

Juliet believed that she could leave the island to return to her family, but she was wrong.

Desmond believed that he would be reunited with Penny some day, and he was right.

Christian did not believe that he could reconcile with his son, but he was wrong.

Eloise believed that she could manipulate people to keep from "awakening" her son Daniel in the sideways world, and she was correct.

LOST viewers believed that we would receive the answers to the big questions and island mysteries . . . .