Saturday, February 15, 2014


I just finished watching fanmade episode 01x1, Across the Sea, on facebook/chrolost.

It was something I thought years ago somebody should try to do - - - put LOST in chronological order.

It was brilliant.

In certain respects, if this was the pilot, it would have made the series premise clear from the very beginning; why the island was special and magical.

But there was still the distraction of the time travel arc. It doesn't work when scenes are put in the right time line. The jumpy around for brief moments with characters is disjointed to the story and to the viewers.

However, after this first 49 minutes of the series, including the earliest time skip to the full Tarewet statute and Charlotte dying of nose bleed time skip, by pure accident there were some key points. First, the nose bleed. When Jacob and his brother were kids, Jacob got in a fight when his brother wanted to leave. That left him with a nose bleed. It would be symbolic of his future demise.

Second, Crazy Mother told Jacob's brother he was special because he was a good liar. And that she wanted him to take over as guardian, but he rejected that because he believed he could leave the island. She said no one could ever leave (which probably was the reason as a child she refused to answer his question "what is death?")

Third, the boys lived and grew for 43 years on the island, until Jacob's brother found a way to make the frozen donkey wheel and "leave" the island. Crazy Mother stopped that plan, and killed all the villagers. We always assumed that she did it because she was a smoke monster. But she had given the guardianship already to Jacob at the light cave, saying "you are now like me" to Jacob. Did the wine ceremony give Jacob the full knowledge of the island and the light cave - - - stopping his aging to become an immortal smoke monster.

Fourth, Crazy Mother was stabbed to death only because she did not see it coming or spoke a word to her killer. This is what Dogen would tell reincarnated Sayid to do to Flocke, but Sayid failed in his assassination attempt. However, this "rule" was not followed when Ben stabbed Jacob. They had a long conversation before Ben killed Jacob (or did he?)

Fifth, it is still unclear whether Jacob killed his brother and dumped his body into the stream or whether MIB died when he fell into the light cave. The result was that MIB turned into a smoke monster, flying out of the light cave and dropping Jacob's brother's body down stream. Crazy Mother said that Jacob should never go into the cave, because the result would be "worse than death." If a person goes into the light cave and turns into a smoke monster, then why did not Desmond or Jack become one in Season 6? The "resetting" of the stone cork in the light cave somehow made MIB mortal so he could be killed - - - but that procedure was not in effect to kill Crazy Mother, who was still an equal (smoke monster/immortal).

Sixth, the "special" guardians of the island have the dark or evil streak in them. Crazy Mother killed Claudia in order to secure her successor. Ghost Claudia came to young MIB to tell him about a way to go "home." If Claudia was a messenger or angel from heaven, she was trying to lead her son out of the island darkness to rejoin her in heaven. But it took 30 years of work and pent up rage in MIB, who agreed with Crazy Mother that the villagers, the humans, were greedy, corrupt and selfish but he only stayed with them as "as means to an end."

Seventh, when MIB and the Roman villagers were killed, the frozen donkey wheel chamber was not complete. However, in the next time frame, Locke is in the completed FDW cavern during the Egyptian island period. Lostpedia cites Claudia's death at 1 AD. This means that the Egyptian island period was the early Greco-Roman Egyptian period after the dynasties had come to an end. (However, this may still be a writer's continuity error). Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire when Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII were defeated at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. The conquest of Egypt and its incorporation into the Roman empire inaugurated a new fascination with its ancient culture. Obelisks and Egyptian-style architecture and sculpture were installed in Roman fora. The cult of Isis, the Egyptian mother goddess, had an immense impact throughout the Roman empire. But this begs the real question: who finished the FDW and who built the statute and temple?

Eighth, both Crazy Mother and Claudia state that they came to the island "by accident." That if any person tries to take more of the life source, it could go out. And if it goes out, then everyone's life force goes out. But it must have been Jacob or those he brought to the island that completed the FDW and built the monuments on the island. It was part of the "game" that Jacob created with MIB/smoke monster now that his brother was dead (now Jacob could make the rules). As such, Jacob also fell into the trap of being selfish, corrupt, and dark - - - by trapping people on the island for the sole purpose that he could find his successor. As in the cycle of life, there appears to be a cycle of successors with similar stories to guard the light cave.

Ninth, MIB as Christian in the FDW with Locke means that smoke monsters can also time travel with the island. Which means that Jacob could also time travel with it. How or why the island can time travel is never explained, but MIB tells Locke to see Eloise Hawking for answers. Likewise, on another part of the island, Daniel tells a dying Charlotte that he told Desmond to find his mother so she could help them. 

Tenth, since the island was the place of life, death and rebirth, it is possible viewing this chronology episode to see that Crazy Mother could have been "reborn" as Eloise. That is a new twist, which could really explain why Eloise knew everything about the island. If Crazy Mother was reincarnated for another life, then to Jacob and his brother would be in line for that promotion once the island was restored with a new guardian. The island was then not really a cycle of life, but a cycle of death.