IN the Wizard of Oz, the main characters were seeking something important in their lives: a heart, courage or a brain. The journey to resolve a character deficits was part of the LOST process.
What was the one thing lacking in each of the main character's make-up? What was the one thing that they were desperately looking for?
Locke: family.
Hurley: courage.
Kate: responsibility.
Ben: control.
Jack: true love.
Sayid: purpose.
Shannon: acceptance.
Charlie: sacrifice.
Michael: direction.
Walt: parental love.
Sun: acknowledgement.
Jin: wealth.
Claire: understanding.
Boone: protector role.
Sawyer: accountability.
Did the series give the main characters opportunities to find what they were looking for? Yes.
Did all of the main characters achieve what they were looking for? No.
Character motivations are powerful tools in story telling. But they mirror the motivations of real people in real life. Series like LOST should give the viewer pause to ask the powerful questions:
What was the one thing lacking in each of your
make-up? What was the one thing are you desperately looking for? What is your wish?