Wednesday, March 2, 2016


For what it is worth, the theme of spirituality can be changed to spirits as an explanation of the Jacob-MIB dynamic.

We were taught that e=mc2 or energy=mass x the speed of light squared.

Energy has a mass component, but also mass has an energy component (e/speed of light squared).

We look upon ourselves as organic beings with the sense of higher purpose, or a spiritual take on the universe.

What if it is the opposite. What if there are spirits who are beings who take on energy to form mass.

For example, when Jacob is "killed" but is still wandering the island interacting with the castaways, he comes to his final time at a camp fire. He tells the castaways that once the "fire" goes out his life ends. So he asks for a volunteer to be the next island guardian.

From this exchange we can postulate that Ben did not "kill" Jacob, per se. MIB burned Jacob's body, but that was merely a shell for the spirit called Jacob. The spirit could still live if it had a source of energy (a fire). The spirit consumed the body mass into energy, then recreated it in a physical form to interact and communicate with the survivors.

This is the same mechanism to explain the smoke monster. It can change physical appearance from MIB, smoke or Flocke because it is not confined to a human body. As a spirit, it can manipulate energy into physical form to absorb more energy (perhaps, as speculated in earlier posts, consuming the "fear" from human beings).

This explains why Jacob and MIB could not harm each other - - - because as spirits they are equals. They are not doomed by age, injury or death of a human being. They are immortal if they chose to be immortal. But if they chose to leave the island, then their spiritual existence would be compromised. The island, with its unusual magnetic energy, was the source of the spiritual well being of Jacob and MIB. But when that was disrupted, it endangered each of them.

In nature, all beings have some sense of survival. Crazy Mother's rampage against the Roman shipwreck survivors was probably to protect the spiritual energy field - - - her own survival. But just with Jacob's demise, MIB had altered the energy field with the FDW so Crazy Mother was venerable. She no longer wanted to live trapped on the island alone, so she submitted to her own death. Or so it would seem. Her spirit may have lived on in Jacob, who we were led to believe was a boy who became immortal when he became the guardian. Likewise, when his brother was killed but found his soul cast into the light cave, he turned into a spirit as well.

The idea that the island was populated with spirits and not immortal human beings helps explain the nature of the Jacob-MIB story. However, it does not explain the relationship with the island visitors and 815 survivors whose mortality was clearly displayed throughout the series.