Monday, January 26, 2015


Modern science believes that if one cannot visually find and reproduce the results of an experiment over and over again, then the subject matter does not exist.

Repeatable proof is the standard for scientific study.

But the debate on whether human beings have a spiritual element, a soul, is harder to fathom in the scientific circles. Scientists believe that the "spiritual" connotations of instinct, subconscious, emotional responses, free will, etc. are not a separate being within a person's brain but merely the output of normal human bio-chemical brain activities.

The concepts of love, lust, anger, hate, good, evil have no predetermination or propensity in science, which seeks to find a physical call to mental illness and phobias. Some naturalists believe that human beings survival instincts, which were formed on the deep emotion of fear, were natural selection processes since for a long time man was not the top predator on the planet. As mankind evolved, its larger brain capacity was filled with more knowledge and applied knowledge to increase their survival chances. Knowledge does not equate to divine intervention, according to scientists.

But it is odd that science dismisses the unseen as not being real, when they use formulas, theories and assumptions to confirm the existence of a Higgs-Bosum "the God" particle, an invisible building block in physics.

Spirituals point out to a few studies which state that human beings have a natural spiritual connection to themselves and to the planet. These connections run the gambit of cultures, genetics, environments and history. The idea that ancient man believed that there was something more inside him or her than just flesh and bones had to come from something other than their environment. Many anthropologists believe that ancient man was more "in tune" with their own bodies and mind than modern man, who is overwhelmed with outside information, to have introspective analysis of one's self.

Science states that if you cannot "show me" your conclusion, then it does not exist. Spiritualists state that the premise of the scientific standard does not make the unseen untrue.

A few point to the dead weight studies which physicians have weighed bodies just prior to and just after death. The results have been that the deceased person loses approximately 6 ounces of weight. Now, scientists would counter the argument that that weight loss is the release of a soul as being the muscle tension forces being released, but tension is not the equivalent of actual mass.

People tend to believe what they want to believe about science. Junk science has invaded all elements of the modern academic world, which further clouds the search for the truth. But the truth for many people is that there is a hope that after this life, there would be a continuation into a better one.