Thursday, May 2, 2013


Having been around the television to entertain small children for decades, the internet story struck me as quite odd. There is a story about odd fan theories about the hidden aspect of many television shows, including one on Spongebob Square Pants. If you don't have young children to sit, Spongebob is the most popular cartoon for the pre-school crowd. It is a simple show about a simple fry cook sponge in a strange underwater town. Pretty harmless.

However, the theory goes that each of the major characters represents one the Seven Deadly Sins:
Patrick: Sloth; Squidward: Wrath; Mr. Krabs: Greed; Sandy: Pride; Plankton: Envy; Gary: Gluttony; and Spongebob: Lust.

That's a lot to digest in a kid's cartoon. It may be echo of LOST fans theory upon theory to find the hidden meaning in our favorite show. But it seems that one character quirk could lead to the conclusion that something dark is hidden in plain sight.

Can this be applied to LOST? Of course.

The main characters had so many deadly sin traits that many could qualify for more than one.

First, you have to narrow down the seven main or most important characters. Here is where one gets into trouble. Do you consider late arrivals like Jacob and Flocke to be main characters? Or do you have to be a character introduced in the pilot to qualify (which rules out Ben)?

Second, the debate would center on which character would "best" represent that dark trait.

Sloth, the reluctance to do any work or effort. Nominees: Shannon, Frogert, Jacob, Walt

Wrath, extreme anger. Nominees: Ben, Widmore, Smoke Monster, Keamy, Locke, Sayid, Ana Lucia, Michael

Greed, an intense and selfish desire for something, esp. wealth, power, or food. Nominees: Ben, Widmore, Sawyer, Hurley, Jin, Charlie, Desmond, Locke

Pride, a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements. Nominees: Jack, Horace, Dr. Chang, Christian, Eloise, Ben

Envy, a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck. Nominees: Sawyer, Kate, Hurley, Jack, Locke, Charlie, Ben, Claire

Gluttony, habitual greed or excess in eating. Nominees: Hurley, Charlie

Lust, very strong sexual desire; or  a passionate desire for something. Nominees: Sawyer, Kate

Third, if you narrowed it down to the last "candidates" standing on the island:

Jack, Hurley, Sawyer, Kate, Ben, Desmond, Claire.

Jack: pride, envy
Hurley: gluttony, greed
Sawyer: greed, envy, lust
Kate: envy, lust
Ben: wrath, envy, pride
Desmond: greed
Claire: envy

It does not clearly work out. Sloth is missing. Envy is all over the place.

So the LOST cast is more than just a simple representation of the Seven Deadly Sins, even though those elements are clearly weaved into the various story lines and character motivations.