In surfing the minefield of the Internet, one comes across the abandoned tombs of Lost fans and bloggers. Prior to Season 6, there was a strong consensus of the Top 10 LOST Mysteries. For five seasons, TPTB created story lines that led viewers down various paths with questions. Questions people wanted answers because of the importance placed upon them for five years.
The creators had five years to set up their conclusion for the LOST series. How did they do?
As a matter of housekeeping, the ten main unsolved mysteries before the final season:
1. The Smoke Monster
2. The Polar Bears
3. The Numbers
4. Adam & Eve
5. Richard Alpert
6. Widmore v. Ben
7. Claire's Disappearance
8. Why is Walt Special?
9. Man in Black
10. Jacob
It may not be a list that you or I would have made before the start of Season 6, but it is fairly straight forward. But over the next ten posts, I will examine them in the context of Season 6 and the finale.