As Yahoo UK recently published:
"In the end, it was a Shephard — two of them, actually — who led the
lost flock home. Ten years ago this week, the hit ABC series, Lost,
brought it’s time-and-reality hopping narrative to a conclusion in the
super-sized series finale, appropriately titled “The End.”
final moments of the final episode feature the show’s hero, Jack
Shephard (Matthew Fox), reuniting with his fellow Oceanic Flight 815
castaways in a heavenly dimension as they prepare to move on to whatever
realm lies beyond death. “Where are we going?” Jack asks his father,
Christian Shephard (John Terry), whose specter had haunted him
throughout Lost’s six-season run.
go find out,” Papa Shephard replies. At that point, father and son take
their place in pews surrounded by the entire cast — even those who died
early in the show’s run — and they collectively step into the light.
That may sound final, but “The End” turned out to be just the beginning of the debate over Lost’s
place in the pantheon of all-time TV greats. Certainly, the show’s 2004
premiere was a seismic pop culture event, with action that rivalled
big-screen blockbusters and ratings to match."
The first takeaway is that LOST was the first epic series that had a complicated mythology and Easter egg fan service to make it the pioneering show for the internet commentary community. Fan sites devoured each episode like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Fan theories became more complex than the LOST writers best imagination. It was the first interactive television program, some of it in real time chat rooms. Today, some YouTubers live stream commentary during k-dramas, but that pales in comparison to the national media dedicating columnists for weekly recaps.
It was a critical and viewer juggernaut. But as the seasons progressed and the tangential story lines got more convoluted, the show runners hubris took the series down split road to a dead end. The biggest complaint was the land fill sized pile of unanswered questions. When one weaves an elegant story, with mysteries, viewers expected show worthy answers. Rambling
into the series finale, Cuse and Lindelof acknowledged there was
no way they’d be able to craft an ending that paid off every plot
thread and satisfied every viewer.
“We have to have the answers to
the mysteries so that there is something to work towards, but what we
don't have are the stories,” Lindof said in a 2010 Wired interview. “J.K. Rowling
can sit down and say, ‘Here's how Harry Potter's parents were killed,
and here's who killed them,’ but how am I going to reveal that
information to the audience in the most emotionally impactful way? So we
know what we want to do, but we have very little idea of how and when
we're going to do it.”
Second, this confirmed in some people's minds that at a certain point, the writers were making things up on the fly. There was no concrete ending from the beginning. The show drifted on the ocean of fan support. In the end, the show runners confessed they decided to do was to design a finale that emphasized "character
over mystery."
But when you base six years of story on mysteries, many fans thought that was a cop-out. Especially true when the show's producers vehemently denied during the first season that the show was set in purgatory. But the End showed a mixed religious message that main characters had died in the past and the island was some other dimension (further complicated by another universe of the sideways world).
Third, LOST did get into the surreal story writing genre by not only having character flash backs but also "flash sideways," a different
timeline where apparently Jack and the rest of the castaways were back in the real
world, albeit leading different lives than what we saw in the flashback
sequences that were a major part of previous seasons.
But these did not add a layer of mystery more than one of confusion. A few critics thought this was mere annoying filler episodes. Others thought the writers "stumped" themselves in their original time frame ("painted themselves into a corner") so they tried to "re-boot" the series with another time line.
The evolution of the Man in Black as the personification of dead Locke really did not answer the confinement of Jacob and the Smoke Monster to an island where human beings were used as chess pieces in a sadistic game. But if you look to the religious elements, especially ancient Egyptian culture, one could find a potential answer that the island was the underworld which a soul would have to navigate dangerous tests in order to be judged by the gods in the afterlife.
But the show runners did not want LOST to fall into that realm. They wanted LOST to stand on its own mythology as pure fantasy. They decided that they did not have to answer all the questions or defend their creative choices because enough fans were fully invested (with their own ideas) it did not really matter.
Fourth, there was a sour taste of being hustled by a three card monte boardwalk shark. The End did not tie up loose ends. It made them more tangled as we see Jack "die" on the island while
Hurley and Ben
Linus remain on the island as "new protectors" only to "shut it down" in a hasty DVD epilogue. It did not explain why pilot Frank Lapidus miraculously gets everyone else — including Kate, Sawyer, and Claire off the island. Why were these characters "saved?" What did they do when they returned "home?" How did some find their way to Christian Shephard's church?
In the final scene, Christian opens the church doors to engulf the inside with a bright white light, symbolizing the moment between death and the after life. In the real world, “The End” wasn’t exactly the end that a lot of viewers were waiting for with half the fans found it a comfortable, happy ending while half felt it was a disappointing conclusion in a Hollywood trope way. It did bring to the forefront the debate on whether
the “Flash
sideways” universe functioned as a kind of purgatory between life and
death — the same theory that was advanced about the island itself when
the show first launched. As one commentator put it: “I think the overall
lesson is that we're all going to die eventually, so we may as well
surround ourselves with as many attractive people as we can.”
Fifth, the LOST legacy may truly be the backtracking by the show runners. Lindelof heard
the criticisms loud and clear, and responded to them in public. “There
was a very early perception… that the island was purgatory and we were
always out there saying, 'It's not purgatory, this is real, we're not
going to Sixth Sense you,’”
But three years later, he said “Lost
was all about mystery and questions and answers and [I wanted] to try
to answer a mystery the show hadn't even asked up until that point… A
portion of the audience was like, 'Oh, that wasn’t on my list, I'm not
interested in that.' But we were.” Even as he stood by “The End,” the
online reaction clearly took its toll.
Despite its still-divisive ending, the early success of LOST remains
something that TV networks would love to emulate in an increasingly
fractured TV landscape. In 2019, ABC hinted that it would not be adverse to rebooting the series. But
do not expect any of the original creative team to return for a potential
revival. "I, personally, am not going to be involved with other
versions of Lost because we told the most complete version," Lindelof said last year. "I
feel like I spent four years of my life begging them to end it and when
they finally said yes, the ending that we did probably should stand as
our ending."
LOST was highly entertaining, addictive and mentally stimulating but with all first loves, it had its bad points, questionable choices and nasty arguments. As a series of intertwined and related episodes, LOST could never handle syndication re-runs because viewers missing episodes would themselves become lost. Syndicated viewers demand self-contained episodes like Star Trek.
It is hard to believe that it has been TEN YEARS since LOST concluded its run. There are very few blogs or sites that still contribute new content to the LOST community. But there are occasional posts of nostalgia about the series. And that is one of the hope's of any television production - - - a nostalgic memory.
Monday, May 25, 2020
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