Thursday, May 6, 2010


L: Lo! - - - There were several attempts to create an amazing or surprising event, i.e. the death of three main characters, one secondary character, and a bunch of red shirts. Even though many viewers were moved by the Jin-Sun Looking Glass like death scene had lost much of its impact since the Jin and Sun characters were mainly background figures for a long time. The snarky return of the Jack and Sawyer banter over the disarming of the back pack bomb could have been great but it was rushed. The "heroic" Sayid taking the bomb away from his friends on a suicide mission was also muted because Sayid lost his character when he became a Flocke zombie in the Temple. The surprise fatality was Frank, whose pilot license expired when Flocke convinced the castaways to head to the submarine to escape. If anything, the Flocke multi-layered con job coupled with the pig head naivety controlled the episode.

O: Obnoxious - - - The entire submarine and bomb sequence was poorly constructed and lacked the substance needed to make a great plot twist.

S: Story line - - - The overall island story line continues to stall around the reshuffling of the deck of characters into smaller and smaller piles of background red shirt humanity. This episode only literally "trimmed the herd" of characters heading toward the finale. It really did not confirm anything, maybe to some who thought Flocke may not be the "evil incarnate."

T: Time line - - - The non-overlapping time lines from the island and sideways worlds is still bothersome, for if leakage is occurring from the island, it is not in real time. The leakage appears to happen if one gets a head injury, which creates some memory portal back to the island universe. If each world is a self-contained universe as it has been presented, then there is no need for the sideways time line. The whole sideways story arc may be the writers crutch to end the LOST saga without answering any of the island mysteries that have built up in the previous five years.